
The Junior League of Houston offers a variety of opportunities for partners and donors to join in its commitment to “Building A Better Community.”


League Legends Annual Fund
Donations to the League Legends Annual Fund provide necessary financial support for the Junior League’s building preservation, community efforts and operating expenses. By supporting these financial pillars, your contribution enables the Junior League to continue its legacy of community outreach and volunteer initiatives. Donate to the League Legends Annual Fund

Junior League of Houston Foundation 
The Junior League of Houston Foundation, an independent entity, was created in 2005 and funded with assets from the previously-established Community Endowment. The Foundation’s board is charged with overseeing the management, investment and distribution of the Community Endowment Funds. The Foundation’s purpose is to sustain, expand and initiate Junior League-designated community programs in perpetuity. In 2012 – 2013, the first gift from the Foundation’s Community Endowment Fund was made to the Junior League’s Community Program. Since that time over $1.5 million has been disbursed. Donate to the JLH Foundation Community Endowment Fund

Donors may honor special friends and loved ones through any of the Junior League’s fundraisers, including the League Legends Annual Fund. The League has a special Texas Children’s Hospital Memorial Fund, which benefits economically disadvantaged patients being treated at Texas Children’s Hospital. For more information about donating to the Texas Children’s Memorial Fund, please contact the Junior League’s development office at 713.871.6625 or

Planned Giving
In 2006, the Junior League established the Junior League Heritage Circle, a planned giving society to recognize donors who make or intend to make planned gifts to the Junior League. Planned giving vehicles may offer tax incentives that benefit donors, their estates and the Junior League. For more information about planned giving, please contact the Junior League’s development office at 713.871.6625 or


A variety of advertising opportunities are available in the Junior League’s Houston News magazine (distributed semi-annually to approximately 10,000 members and supporters). Click here to download the 2022 – 2023 Advertising Contract for Houston News.

Charity Ball

Each year, the Junior League of Houston Charity Ball serves as an integral source of funding to help further the Junior League’s mission in our community.

Support the 2025 Charity Ball by underwriting a table, donating to the auction or participating in a number of our Charity Ball events. Underwriting dollars directly support the League’s Community Program, Building Preservation Fund, and Administrative Fund. We are thankful for the support of the individuals, organizations and corporations which underwrite and donate auction items to support fundraising at the event.

Tea Room

A long-standing Houston tradition, the Junior League Tea Room offers League members and Tea Room patron members luncheon service, special events and banquet facilities.

The Junior League Pantry offers wonderful bakery items and frozen casseroles prepared in our own Tea Room Kitchen to the general public. Also available are care packages, catering items and special orders.


In 2005, the Junior League established the JLH Community Partner program to encourage mutually beneficial and customized partnerships between the Junior League and major donors. Each year, the Junior League seeks out a limited number of Community Partners for such a partnership.

In addition, the Junior League of Houston welcomes our Community Champions, a second tier of donors who support the League through in-kind and dollar donations. For more information about our Community Partner and Community Champion program, reach out to our Community Partner Chair at